After a turbulent year, I have found my way back to blogging. What happened? We have opened our store ‚Einzigart‘. Here you can buy artwork, handmade individual pieces, and beautiful ‚bells and whistles‘.
We’ve already gotten a lot of requests from different artists. Sadly, not many craftsmen who make things you can use in real life have reached out to us yet.
Additionally, I’ve also had a wonderful project going on as part of the first kids’ biennial in Esslingen. We have made a let’s call it ‚not very pretty underpass‘ into a real gem together with lots of kids.
And from autumn on, we will continue with the second kids’ biennial. That time it’ll be about the topic ‚home‘ related to the colour green. For sure that will mean lots of shining eyes of the kids that are proud of what they have made.
Oh and then there’s also been my exhibition in our old town hall. It’s unbelievable how the people coming to visit our historical Christmas market in Esslingen are from all over the world.
It was so much fun and I have met incredibly interesting people exactly like the previous years. So you gotta reserve the dates around Christmas 2011!!!
But now I have to get back to work. I have neglected tons of work during the past weeks. By looking at my studio I find so many pieces that haven’t been finished yet. But I’m working on it !!!
Additionally, to not only work on my mosaics, I have signed up for an online course by Amelia Critchlow. It’s so much fun but at the same time lots of work. As the saying goes: Before the gates of excellence, the high gods have placed sweat… ;-).
Well if I continue this way I should most likely end up pretty successful…
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